Sunday, March 3, 2013

Activity 3.3.6 Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning Systems


1.    What is important to consider when designing an HVAC system?

It is very important to consider what the purpose and expectations of the buildings usage will be.

2.    How does the HVAC system affect the design of the building structure?

When designing the HVAC system, an architect must allow for sufficient space for the ducts and such, which may require extra space in the ceiling.  The architect must also know what the building is intended for so that the ducts may be properly placed.

3.    How does an engineer know the requirements for mechanical design of an HVAC system?

The engineer must research the requirements and codes for the mechanical design of an HVAC system and work that into his design and installation.

4.    Why is it important for architects to be aware of how mechanical systems are designed or 

It is important for the architect to be aware of how the mechanical systems are designed and constructed so that he or she can account for the requirements and properly design his systems so that they will be efficient and sufficient for the structure.

5.    What information must an architect provide to a mechanical engineer to ensure proper design and placement of the mechanical systems?

The architect must provide his or her designs, plans, and research on the requirements and building to the mechanical engineer so that the engineer understands how the system should be designed and placed.

Activity 3.3.4 Energy Codes

1.    Follow the link to What’s Happening in Your State. Based on the map and key, what is the status of the energy codes in Indiana (where the Keystone Library building is located)? What is the energy code status in neighboring states? What is the energy code status in your state? 

The energy codes in Indiana are based on the 2010 Indiana Energy Conservation Code of ASHRAE 90.1-2007. The energy code status in Indiana is about 3.5 on a 4 point scale.  Illinois' energy code status is at a 4, while other neighboring states are also 3.5.

 2.    What is needed in order to comply with the energy code (using the prescriptive approach presented in the PowerPoint) with regard to the unheated slab on grade for the Keystone Project? If the project were located in Montana, what would be the requirement for perimeter slab insulation? 

There are no requirements for unheated slab on grade in Indiana.  However in Montana, some insulation would be required due to the difference in climates. 

3. Calculate the percentage of exterior wall composed of fenestration to verify that the area of fenestration is less than or equal to 40%.

 I calculated the fenestration to be about 8% of the exterior wall.

4. Assume that the client would like to provide shading for the fenestrations on the south face of the building in order to protect the library books and resources from damage from the sun. Research methods to provide window shading and paste in a preliminary design that would provide shading such that the resulting projection factor does not restrict the use of windows based on the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient.

You could use shutters or shades over the windows to limit the amount of sun let in and slightly redirect the rays of light.


5.    What is the purpose of energy codes?

To improve and ensure the efficiency of energy in structures and all throughout the world.

6.    How does adding a vestibule improve energy efficiency?

Vestibules are effective at trapping hot or cold air inside the room, rather than allowing it to escape outside of the building. 

7.     What recommendations would you make to improve the energy efficiency of the existing structure during the renovation process for the Keystone Library?

I would recommend adding a vestibule by the front entrance of the Keystone Library that could help trap heated or cooled air inside the building.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Activity 3.1.2 Land Use and Development Regulations

1.    Identify the Building Code that applies in Noblesville by reviewing Section 154.04 Adoption of
Rules by Reference in the Noblesville Code of Ordinances.

The building code that applies in Noblesville would be Indiana Building code, which is found in Article 13.

2.    Visit the Indiana Association of Building Officials website at and follow the link to Current Codes. On which model code is the current Indiana Building Code based?

The current Indiana Building Code is based on the 2006 International Building Code (1st printing) with
Indiana Amendments.

3.    Using the International Building Code, find the Use and Occupancy classification of the proposed new Keystone Building.
 The Use and Occupancy classification of the newly proposed Keystone Building is Assembly, A-4.

4.    Using the International Building Code, describe each of the four types of construction. Based on the existing structure, under which of these types of construction could the Keystone Building fall? See section 503.1.

Type I would be the most fire resistant and therefore the best choice for the Keystone Building.
Type II is the least fire resistant and most likely a residential type of construction
Type III is slightly better than Type II.

5.    Compare the allowable Building Heights and Areas (IBC 2009 Table 503) for the Keystone Library using different construction types. What is the least restrictive construction type that can be used for the Keystone Library? Is a fire-protective layer required over the structural elements? Note: The letter A indicates that the structural members are protected by a fire-rated coating or cover (sheetrock, spray on, or another approved method). The letter B indicates that the structural members are not protected by an additional fire-rated coating or cover.

The least restrictive construction type is Type I A, which is unlimited.  Yes a fire-protective layer is required for the structural elements.
6.    What materials do you propose to use for the new interior walls and floor for the Keystone Building? Justify your answer.

I would suggest brick walls for the interior walls or steel beams for the interior structure walls and for the floor linoleum or marble.

7.    Use the IBC to determine the Occupant Load (IBC 2009 Section 1004) for the Keystone Building assuming a second floor is added per the Keystone Library Renovation Preliminary Building plans (see Revit file). For now, conservatively assume that the second floor is entirely stacks and that the first floor is entirely reading rooms. In addition, because there is currently no plan to include an outside stairway to the roof, assume that the occupants of the green roof must exit through the 2nd floor. The building inspector has determined, based on the planned use of the green roof as additional reading area, that the occupant load for the green roof may be based on the requirements for reading rooms.

The first floor of the Keystone Library has an occupant load of about 178 people.  The second floor is approximately 46 people, and the green roof is also 178 people.
8.    The occupant load is used to determine the minimum egress width for the building. Use the IBC to determine the required total egress width (IBC 2009 Section 1005) for the Keystone Building including the second floor.

The total egress for stairways should be about 113.5 inches, and other means of egress would be about 89 inches.
9.    What is the minimum number of exits required for the Occupant Load (IBC 2009 Section 1021)

The minimum number of exits required for the Keystone Building is 2 exits.

10. Read IBC 2009 Section 1021.2. Is it permissible to have only a single exit from the ground floor? From the second floor? Justify your answers.

No, it is not permissible.  The building must have 2 exits per story.

11. In which zoning designation does the Keystone building property lie? (Refer to the Keystone Library Site Location Map to help locate the site on the zoning map.)

The zoning designation that applies to the Keystone Building property is the planned business designation.

12. Describe the purpose of this zoning designation. Document your answer with a section number from the code.

The purpose of the Business designation is primarily for larger scale buildings, specifically for commercial uses.
13. What is the minimum lot size within this designation? Does the Keystone Property meet this requirement? Document your answer with a section number of the code.

The minimum lot size of this designation is 20,000 square feet according to the Sumarry of Commercial Bulk Requirements table.
14. What is the maximum building height according to the Noblesville ordinance?

The maximum building height is stories or approximately 35 feet.

15. Read Section 159.120 of the Noblesville Code of Ordinances. Record any information that is important to the redevelopment of the Keystone building.

(A)     Allowable Use of Land and Building.
          (1)     No building, structure, or land shall be used or occupied and no building or structure or part thereof shall be erected, constructed, reconstructed, moved, or structurally altered except in conformity with all of the regulations herein specified for the district in which it is located.
          (2)     No structure shall be erected or altered to provide for greater height or bulk; to accommodate or house a greater number of families; to occupy a greater percentage of lot area; to have narrower or smaller rear yards, front yards, side yards, or other open spaces than herein required, or in any other manner contrary to the provisions of this chapter.
          (3)     No yard or lot existing at the time of passage of this chapter shall be reduced in dimension or area below the minimum requirements set forth herein.  Yards or lots created after the effective date of this chapter shall meet at least the minimum requirements set forth herein.  No part of a yard or other open space or off-street parking or loading space required in connection with any building for the purpose of complying with this chapter shall be included as part of a yard, open space, or off-street parking or loading space similarly required for any other building.
           (B)     Property Access.  Every building hereafter erected or moved shall be located on a lot with frontage and access on a street, and provide for safe and convenient access, fire protection, and required off-street parking, except as otherwise provided in § 159.107(C).
16. Is the Use proposed in Keystone Building Project permitted on this property?  Document your answer.

Yes, it is permitted.

17. When developing a property, when is landscaping and screening required?

Landscaoing and screening is required whenever a new building is being built or an old building is being added on to.