1. Define civil engineering.
Engineering specified in the design, construction, and maintence of public works such as roads, bridges, and harbors.
2. Define architecture.
The art and science of designing buildings for human habitation
3. Describe the origination of the concept of architecture?
Houses were first built in the Neolithic period with mud and bricks.
4. In ancient times how were building materials chosen?
They were chosen based on availability of materials around them and the climate they lived in.
5. Give two examples of vernacular architecture.
Jungle huts made of straw and stilts in jungle areas
Stone and clay huts in rural areas
Stone and clay huts in rural areas
6. Name and describe the type of system used to create many early buildings.
Many of the earliest large buildings were built primarily by slave workers.
7. What was the purpose of the Egyptian pyramids? Mexican pyramids?
The purpose Egyptian pyramids were so that the pharaohs would have a place to be buried.
The ancient built two types pyramids for different reasons. The first to hold sacrificing rituals.
The second were sacred and not to be touched at all.
The second were sacred and not to be touched at all.
8. What kind of construction method was used to build the Parthenon? Made a simple sketch to illustrate.
Post-and-lintel architecture was used in the construction of the Parthenon.

9. What problem in architecture led to this form of construction?
The architects needed their buildings to be more open and be more structurally sound.
10. Explain how an arch is created.
Archs are created in blocks and are placed in a curved formation in a way so that they can give support to each other.
Archs are created in blocks and are placed in a curved formation in a way so that they can give support to each other.
11. How is the vault used in civil engineering?
A vault is formed by putting several archs together and making hallways or tunnels.
12. Give an example of an arch and dome system.
The Pantheon is one of the most famous examples of an arch and dome system. The Coloseum is also an example of such.
13. Give an example of a modern material we have that was not available to the ancients. How did this restrict construction in ancient times?
Steel is one of the most important modern materials we have now. In ancient times, architects could not build buildings as strong, structually sound, and tall as we have now
14. What was the purpose of the Roman aqueducts?
The Roman aqueducts were used to transport large quantities of water all throughout the city.
15. Compare ancient Greek roads to ancient Roman roads.
Ancient Greek roads were dirt and were muddy in the winter and made to be used to transport goods.
Ancient Roman roads were expertly made of stones, broken stones mixed with cement and sand, cement mixed with broken tiles and used primarily to transport troops.
Ancient Roman roads were expertly made of stones, broken stones mixed with cement and sand, cement mixed with broken tiles and used primarily to transport troops.
16. Describe an ancient Roman bridge.
Ancient Romans used stone and a basic arch structure to support their bridges. The Romans were the first civilization to put concrete in their bridges.
17. How did building materials and methods change after the Romans?
After the Romans, the new medieval civilizations used stone and masonry to build their castles. They even used pointed spires as their roofs which was a major difference compared to the domed roofs the Romans made.
After the Romans, the new medieval civilizations used stone and masonry to build their castles. They even used pointed spires as their roofs which was a major difference compared to the domed roofs the Romans made.
1. Give an example of a modern pyramid not shown in the presentation. How does its function differ from that of the Egyptian pyramids? What do you think accounts for this difference?
The Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada is one example of a modern day pyramid. The function of this pyramid is primarily to mimic the ideas and give people the visuals of the ancient Egyptian culture. Another function could most likely be to amaze and astound people.
2. Give an example of a modern structure that uses an arch and dome system.
The National Centre for Performing Arts in Beijing, China is one example of a modern arch and dome structure.
3. What is the main purpose of modern roads? How is the cost of modern roadways defrayed?
The main purpose of modern roads is so that people can get from one place to another as quickly and as organized as possible. The cost of roadways is funded through the taxes that the citizens pay.
The main purpose of modern roads is so that people can get from one place to another as quickly and as organized as possible. The cost of roadways is funded through the taxes that the citizens pay.
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