Sunday, October 21, 2012

Activity 2.3.2 Green Building and Sustainable Design

1.    Rainfall falls on most parcels of property throughout the world. Describe one method that could be used to collect this natural resource.

The "Wet" System is one method of collecting rain water that involves placing collection pipes underground in order to connect multiple downspouts from different gutters.  The rainwater will then fill the underground pipes which will cause the the water to rise in the vertical pipes until it spills into the tank. The downspouts and underground collection of pipes must have water-tight connections.  However the elevation of the tank inlet must be below the lowest gutter on the house.  
2.  Describe an innovative construction method or technique that benefits the environment.

The usage of "Adobe" bricks saves a lot of energy in the long term, and also has a very little impact on the enviroment.  Adobe is an abundant, inexpensive, and energy-efficient sustainable material made from soil.

3.   During the construction cycle of the building, materials and components are delivered to the site. List a strategy that you will use to recycle the waste produced during the construction phase. 

Estimate how much material is required.  Use the material that is needed.  Then crush up extra concrete and use as stone, crush up extra asphalt and reuse, clean untreated wood and remill, melt down and reform metal.
4.  Energy use is high in commercial buildings. What might a designer do to reduce energy consumption in a building?

Install renewable energy sources such as daylighting via sun roofs, geothermal, solar heating. 

5.   Building sites offer natural resources that can be utilized for the life of the building. Describe a method to use a site’s natural resources in the construction of the structure.        

If the building sit is in a wooded area, the construction team can use the trees as spare extra wood for whatever is left to do at the end.


1.    Describe an original green and sustainable idea that you have. Choose one that is not currently in use as far as you know.

Put a small fitness room in the building, so that you may get physically fit and work up heat that could slightly help keeping the house warmer.

2.    Describe an improvement that you believe could be made to the building where you live. Describe why it is an improvement.

Improved insulation in the roof, the walls, and fill in holes under the building.  This would greatly help keeping the temperature up inside so that we would spend less on the heating bill.


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